Contra Mestra Andrea Cintron
Pyroglyph and acrylic wash on birch panel
“The intention of my work is to uplift Beauty, Wholeness and Peace without the denial of Grief, Struggle or Chaos inherent in many of our experiences, especially as women, and those of us that have experienced (and thrived after) community violence. ”
Rosesharon Oates
Rosesharon Oates is an internationally known artist from Oakland, California, now on her way to live and pursue an artist’s residency in New Orleans, Louisiana. A devoted mother and master pyrographer, artHYPE Gallery is proud to welcome her first solo exhibition of original artworks in Los Angeles in January 2022.
Over the past 5 years my work as a professional artist has been specifically in the medium of Pyrography (also known as woodburning), mainly working on large birch panels. I love that my work involves heat and the element of fire, because I believe that part of creating a new world that works for everyone involves burning away that which is no longer serving us as a culture, as a country and as a people. The intention of my work is to uplift Beauty, Wholeness and Peace without the denial of Grief, Struggle or Chaos inherent in many of our experiences, especially as women, and those of us that have experienced (and thrived after) community violence.
My works are intentionally imbued with emblems of traditional Spiritual practices both of my ancestral and cultural lineages. The body of work I would continue to create at Verge is a meditation on the past year and how we choose to move forward, an ode to our capacity for resilience, and engaging our creative faculty in the face of huge transitions, uncertainty but also collective healing.
- Rosesharon Oates